
What is Numerology?

Considered as pseudo-mathematics by most modern scientists, this new science is often associated with occult, alongside vastu shastra and similar divinatory arts. Numerology or horoscope is a traditional systems used to analyze relationships between physical objects / living things / words etc. and numbers. In simple words, it is how numbers relate to human personality and time cycles. This study of the symbolism of numbers is used to determine a person's personality, character, strengths and weaknesses, talents, obstacles, personal visible & hidden needs, emotional reactions etc. Several factors are considered in numerological readings of an individual, including date of birth, birth time, place of birth, parents, spouse, children etc. Apart from these elements, numbers that have a presence in the individual's life like number of house, shop, factory, plot etc., also carry their individual value. Thus making this science vast and hence work of Numerology Consultant complicated.

The Origin & History of Numerology

Numbers were first explored by ancient social, religious & spiritual gurus It is believed that the Indian continent is the first one to discover the number system. In beginning it was popular among early mathematicians like Pythagoras and others. With more detailed study & developments it is no longer regarded mathematics rather pseudo-mathematics by most modern scientists In present scenario, numerology is used by those who, in the view of some observers, place excess faith in numerical patterns, even if those people don't practice traditional numerology

Modern look contains aspects of a variety of ancient cultures and teachers, including The Indian Vedas, astrological philosophy from Hellenistic Alexandria, early Christian mysticism, the Hebrew system, the Chinese "Circle of the Dead", the Egyptian "Book of the Master of the Secret House" and more

How Numerology Works

Calculating the numerological predictions are not as easy as assumed by a common person who has a little knowledge of numbers and values Everything in the universe vibrates at its own particular frequency By finding the vibration rate of any object, you can establish the qualities and energies associated with it By applying the principles of numerology-and using only the name and birth date as the basic data-you can determine the major frequencies of different people A numerological analysis of the calculated frequencies provides significant information on these people's personalities and character.

Methods In Numerology

Basic mathematical operation are used in numerology, wherein the numbers are reduced by simple addition. For example, number 15, for instance, is reduced to 6 to adding 1 & 5 (i.e. 1 + 5 = 6) Similarly, 1974 is reduced to 3 ( 1 + 9 + 7 + 4 = 21 and then 21 is 2 + 1 = 3 )

Digit Summing

Practitioners of Numerology / Numerologists generally made a numerology chart that involves reducing a number or a word by a process known as Digit Summing and reach on conclusions based on the single digit derived. Digit Summing involves taking the sum of all of the digits in the number and repeating the method as needed until a single-digit answer is produced. Several methods of calculation are practiced including Chaldean, Pythagorean, Hebraic, Helyn Hitchcock's, Phonetic, Japanese and Indian

In some cases, the name and birth date of an individual are used to analyze and define personality and propensities

English letter numeric values

A = 1
J = 10 (1)
S = 19 (10) (1)
B = 2
K = 11 (2)
T = 20 (2)
C = 3
L = 12 (3)
U = 21 (3)
D = 4
M = 13 (4)
V = 22 (4)
E = 5
N = 14 (5)
W = 23 (5)
F = 6
O = 15 (6)
X = 24 (6)
G = 7
P = 16 (7)
Y = 25 (7)
H = 8
Q = 17 (8)
Z = 26 (8)
I = 9
R = 18 (9)
English letter numeric values — Chaldean method

A = 1
J = 1
S = 3
B = 2
K = 2
T = 4
C = 3
L = 3
U = 6
D = 4
M = 4
V = 6
E = 5
N = 5
W = 6
F = 8
O = 7
X = 5
G = 3
P = 8
Y = 1
H = 5
Q = 1
Z = 7
I = 1
R = 2
Number Definitions

There are no set definitions for specific digits. Whereas, common examples include:

  1. Everything or absoluteness All
  2. Individual Aggressor Yang
  3. Balance Union Receptive Yin
  4. Communication/interaction Neutrality
  5. Creation
  6. Action Restlessness
  7. Reaction/flux Responsibility
  8. Thought/consciousness
  9. Power/sacrifice
  10. Completion
  11. Rebirth

Calculation in numerology is based on the underlying logic of addition & subtraction, which is easy to recognize yet very unknown. Though the calculation methods are very simple, numerology is based on a complex cosmic network of connected patterns and cycles. It is by recognizing these patterns & cycles, we predict events and influences

Numerology Numbers

Numerologists calculate the following numbers that is further analyzed to assess personality and predict the future.

  • ✔ The Life Path number
  • ✔ The Birth Day number
  • ✔ The Expression number
  • ✔ The Heart's Desire number
  • ✔ The Personality number
  • ✔ The Minor Expression
  • ✔ Minor Heart's Desire
  • ✔ Minor Personality numbers
  • ✔ The Karmic Lessons
  • ✔ Hidden Passion numbers
  • ✔ The Maturity number
  • ✔ The Planes of Expression
  • ✔ The Balance number
  • ✔ The Rational Thought number
  • ✔ The Subconscious Self number
  • ✔ The Capstone and the Cornerstone
  • ✔ The Challenge numbers
  • ✔ The Period Cycles
  • ✔ The Pinnacles Cycles
  • ✔ The Personal Year Cycles
  • ✔ The Personal Month / Personal Day Cycles
  • ✔ The Transit Cycles
  • ✔ The Essence Cycles

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